W2XBS fiddled around with its daytime schedule yet again that month. Meanwhile, the CBS TV station remained unable to go on the air after more setbacks.
There was plenty of other television around that month but all of it of the temporary variety. RCA was going around the country with its camera and portable transmitter, broadcasting shows to audiences in stores and such. It and Philco were both selling radios with “television attachments,” so when TV arrived, people could buy a screen that plugged into their radio.
Philadelphia had W3XE but perhaps it wasn’t on the air regularly. Another company applied for the “first” television license in the city. WCAU did not get television until after the war; the station mentioned in the story below was on FM.
Below are TV listings for W2XBS from various papers, including the New York Sun, Herald Tribune and Brooklyn Eagle.
Friday, September 1
12:00 Noon—Interview with "Miss Birmingham."
12:15—Film, "Magic Beneath the Clouds."
12:45—Talk, Leland Stowe.
3:00-4.00 P. M.—U. S. Army air show at Mitchell Field.
8:40—"Vox Pop," conducted from World's Fair.
9:00-9:30 P. M.—"Twinkletose," a Ned Wayburn idea, and a film preview of "Golden Boy.”
Tuesday, September 5
12:00 Noon—Maria Luisa Lopez, Mexican songs.
12:15—Film, “Philippine Travelaugh" with John P. Medbury (Columbia, 1932).
12:25—Film, "Bryce National Park."
12:35—Film. "Bermuda by Air."
8:30-9:30 P.M.—Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta, "H. M. S. Pinafore," with Margaret Daum, Ray Heatherton, John Cherry, Colin O'More, Harry Donaghy and Anna Kitchell.
MARCONI was 4 years old when the H. M. S. Pinafore was launched by Gilbert and Sullivan. Sixty years passed before the ship was seen sailing down the electric waves. Many times its music has rolled across the unseen channels, but not until the past week did television enable New Yorkers to watch the ship and enjoy its melodious crew captained by the telegenic Colin O’Moore.
The cast comprised radio singers of long experience and their performance, one of the most entertaining yet to be televised here, indicated that radio artists can be ideal actors in a visual as well as an invisible medium. Ray Heatherton as Ralph Rackstraw and John Cherry in the role of Sir Joseph Porter were particularly photogenic. They, along with Mr. O’Moore, telecast proof that radio performers heretofore confined to sound have a future in television if they can add acting to their vocal accomplishments.
The operetta was well adapted to television, since the numerous solo roles facilitated close-ups. Furthermore, the camera men and scenic designers had a fairly easy time of it because there was only one nautical scene throughout the show, and that was the deck of the Pinafore.
If the announcer at the three-minute intermission had been garbed as a sailor he would have been more a part of the play and more effectively could have held the two acts together. It is apparent that the radio announcers as yet have not grasped television technique.
The announcer for “Pinafore” slyly looked down at notes, and Graham McNamee, announcing a telecast of “Vox Pop” several nights ago, clung to his standard microphonic style as if talking to an unseen audience. But there were people watching him this time as he held his head down while reading, only occasionally ducking up to open his eyes and look ahead as if he might be talking directly to an audience. O. E. D. Jr. (Times, Sept. 10)
Wednesday, September 6
12:00 Noon—Fashion show, with June Hynd.
12:15—Film serial, Clyde Beatty's "The Lost Jungle."
12:35—Film, "Curiosities."
12:45—George Ross, columnist.
3:00-4:00—Outside television feature.
8:30-9:00 P. M.—Film feature, "My Heart is Calling," with Jan Kiepura (Gaumont, 1935).
Arrival of the U. S. liner Manhattan at New York will be televised over W2XBS, NBC television station. . . . Passengers will be interviewed on the European conflict and their experiences before sailing for home. . . . The exact hour of arrival is not known. (Home News, Sept. 6)
Thursday, September 7
12:00 Noon—Fashion show.
12:15—Film, “Crisis."
12:45—Mrs. Marguerite Browning and Alice Maslin on "Clothes for the Problem Figure."
8:30-9:30 P. M.—“Brother Rat," comedy drama by John Monks Jr. and Fred Finklehoffe, with Lyle Bettger, Edwin Phillips, Juliet Forbes, Anna Franklin, Marjorie Davies and Tom Ewell.
Stage Comedy
70 Mins.
Thursday, 8:30 P.M.
RCA-NBC, New York
Switching from old style melodrama to one of the more or less recent stage successes, audience reaction to ‘Brother Rat’ was favorable. However, the play, as televised, was considerably under the actual performance, by necessity both as to time and to material. Show’s startling laugh line at the finale of act one, that about the drug stores, was clipped out by the studio censors. Otherwise the running time was cut about one hour, which was just as well for those with receiving sets.
Direction by Eddie Sobol called for an unusual percentage of close-ups, and in that he was probably right. Procedure was to slip in a long shot of the set and bring the characters promptly before the cameras. That routine was used whenever other characters came on stage, or some exited.
‘Rat’ was not a money show on Broadway, though it had an extended run principally because the operating nut was small and a profit could be gleaned at modest grosses. The draw was bolstered by juvenile or youthful types of audience, locale being in a military academy, and the title applicable to a more or less affectionate student term. Television shots seemed to have been clearer than usual, but no change in technical procedure was evident.
Stage play was produced by George Abbot with the backing of Warners. Latter waved any royalty rights, as did the authors, and props were loaned gratis for the telecast.
The humorous story of ‘Bing’ Edwards and his school pals was enacted by a cast of young players, as in the stage version. Lyle Bettger had the lead, none of the original people being present, except Anna Franklin. Part of ‘Mistole’ Button, who is picked on by the seniors, was handled by Frederick de Wilder. Balance of the cast had Tom Elwell [sic], Edwin Phillips, Juliet Forbes. Marjorie Davies, Mary Cheffy, James Corner, Brammer Binder, Owen Martin and Frank Camp.
‘Rat’ proved another worthwhile presentation in the upcoming new art that combines spoken and visual aerial performance. Ibee. (Variety, Sept. 13)
The first case of “cue prompting” in television was overheard during the transmission of “Brother Rat” recently when one of the characters forgot his lines. A voice in hushed tones was clearly heard prompting the embarrassed actor. It was an amusing sidelight. (Will Baltin, Home News, Sept. 17)
12:00 Noon—Variety show.
12:15—Film, "Through the Rockies by Rail.”
12:45—Gilbert Martyn, interviews.
3:00-4:00—Outside television feature.
8:30-9:30 P. M.—Film, "The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes," with Arthur Wontner (Gaumont, 1931).
Saturday, September 9
8:30-9:45 P. M.—“Brother Rat,” with Lyle Bettger, Edwin Phillips, Juliet Forbes and others (repeat performance).
Monday, September 11
8:00-9:00 P. M.—Consolidated Edison Day programme: ceremonies at World’s Fair; sketch, “Life of Thomas A. Edison.”
The “spot news” element of the telecast was furnished by a mobile unit pickup of a World’s Fair ceremony at the Ford Exposition in which Floyd L. Carlisle, board chairman, Consolidated Edison, threw a switch linking the historic Edison “Jumbo” dynamo with the “City of Light.” Coupled with the “Jumbo” ceremony in the telecast was the National Broadcasting Company's first studio show ever written around a “spot news” broadcast. Sent by coaxial cable from Radio City’s television studio to the transmitter atop the Empire State Building, the show included a reenactment of the first gas illumination of the New York City home of Samuel Leggett, first president of the New York Gas Light Company, a predecessor of the Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Seventy NBC technical men were engaged in the mobile unit, studio and transmitter phases of the production. Besides arranging for the hook-up, Consolidated Edison engineers provided special lighting facilities for the World’s Fair portion of the telecast. In addition, the utility engineers saw to it that when Mr. Carlisle threw the switch, energy generated by the veteran dynamo initiated the lighting mechanism of the “City of Light” diorama and the “water ballet’ spectacle outside the Consolidated Edison building. Thanks to the triple tie effected by the program producer, television observers saw more of what was going on than did the distinguished guests gathered for the ceremonies. Consolidated Edison World’s Fair committeemen responsible for the program were Clarence L. Law, vice-president; Harold S. Sutton, executive assistant to the chairman of the board, and Henry Obermeyer, assistant vice-president.
Speakers at the Consolidated Edison Day ceremonies included Mr. Carlisle, Ralph H. Tapscott, president, and Oscar H. Fogg, vice-chairman of the board. (American Gas Association Monthly, Oct. 1939)
Tuesday, September 12
12:00 Noon—Mrs. Ogden Reid, interview.
12:15—Film, “March of Time.”
12:35—Film, “This Changing World.”
12:45—The Swingtet.
8:30-9:30—Film, “The Bridge of Sighs” with Onslow Stevens, Dorothy Tree and Jack LaRue.
The first flight over the North Atlantic route by the Yankee Clipper, giant flying boat of the Pan—American Airways, which started from Port Washington on July 8, will be described by Mrs. Ogden Reid, of the New York Herald Tribune, and William Van Dusen, of the Pan-American Airways, in an Interview to be broadcast by television at noon today from the National Broadcasting Company’s television studio in Radio City. Mrs. Reid one of two women who made the northern flight, returned on the Dixie Clipper via the southern route, reaching New York July 30, enthusiastic about the comfort and beauty of the flights. Today’s program will be the first description of that flight to be televised.
Mrs. Core Rogers Is the co-ordinator for the ncwi story. The presentation will be directed by Thomas Lyne Riley, television director of the National Broadcasting Company, producer of the television performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Pirates of Penzance” and “Pinafore.” Thomas H. Hutchinson, television program-production manager, will supervise the entire performance. Radcliffe Hall will introduce Mrs. Reid and Mr. Van Dusen to the television audience. (Herald Tribune, Sept. 12)
Permission to construct a broadcasting television station, the first in Philadelphia, was asked of the Federal Communication Commission yesterday [12] by the WCAU Broadcasting Co.
In filing the application, station officials explained that they planned to experiment with studio pick-up technique and other factors involved in the successful transmission of television.
If permission is granted to construct the transmitter, WCAU plans to experiment on the suitability of network transmission of programs over a coaxial cable and also radio links between cities not over 100 miles apart.
At present, the only such cable existing is between this city and New York. Continuous experiments will be conducted, officials said, in building of television programs both in the studio and at outdoor events.
The application follows two years of experimental broadcasts over W3XIR by the WCAU engineering department, under the supervision of John G. Leitch.
Officials of WCAU are looking for a tall building on which to place the transmitter’s antennae, height being a prime necessity in this phase of the construction work.
But, because of the size of the antennae, they pointed out, City Hall was out of the question. It had been reported that the antennae might be located on the hat of William Penn’s statue if City Council approved. (Philadelphia Inquirer, Sept. 13)
Wednesday, September 13
12:00 Noon--June Hynd, with Mrs. E. E. Brooke, on “How to Get a Job.”
12:15—Film serial, “The Lost Jungle,” Episode IV.
12:25—Film, “Norwegian Sketches.”
12:45—George Ross, columnist.
2:00-4:00—Fordham football team in scrimmage.
George Ross
Reviewed Wednesday, 12:45-12:55 p.m. Style—Interview, singing. Sponsor—Andrew Geller Shoes. Reviewed on RCA Television Receiver TRK-12. Station—W2XBS.
One of television’s earliest commercials, if not its first, is the sponsorship of George Ross, New York World-Telegram dramatic columnist, by Andrew Geller shoe stores. Footwear merchant pays for the talent, but RCA-NBC, because of FCC regulations, are not paid for the use of their facilities. Program’s principal Interest Is in its presentation of a visual-oral sales message, done by a style chat on what ladies will wear on their tootsies, showing examples at the same time. More or the less the obvious approach, but novel if for no other reason than its newness.
Ross is fair. His interviewee was Penny Wise, swingster songstress and daughter of Fred Fischer, songwriter and publisher. On this show Rosa did a sort of Helen Morgan-Buddy Ebsen combination, leaning against the piano and speaking, with head gestures reminding of Ebsen’s grimacing. He handled his lines well in the main, tho, and did not make too obvious references to his notes. Miss Wise is a capable song saleswoman, accompanying herself well in jive fashion. Voice is all right until it involves upper register use and then it’s not all right.
Production was on the poor side, definitely. Faces were not clear, while back ground lighting was weak. Apparently just a plain undecorated wall was used, and it gave a drab effect. Would have helped, too. If Ross could have been faded out of the picture rather than walking out each time. Jerry Franken. (Variety, Sept. 23)
For the first time in history the practice session of a football team was televised when the National Broadcasting Company’s television unit covered the workout of the Fordham eleven from 3 to 4 o’clock yesterday.
The reproduction of the Ram drill was part of the regular NBC program and was carried to television sets in this part of the country. Bill Stern maintained a running commentary, while the Maroon players went through a thorough dummy scrimmage in front of the huge television trucks.
After the television program was concluded Coach Jimmy Crowley lost no time in sending his men through a long blocking workout, followed by signal drills.
The coach praised Lou DeFilippo after yesterdays practice and predicted that he would be among the leading centers of the country this year. (Times, Sep. 14)
Thursday, September 14
12:00 Noon—Franklin Simon Fashion Show.
12:15—Film, “Zion National Park.”
12:25—Film, “Gateway to the Pacific.”
12:35—Film, “The Heart of Sweden.”
8:30-9:30—“Art and Mrs. Bottle,” comedy drama, with Ann Revere, Katherine Emery, Shepperd Strudwick, Dorothy Mathews, Jabez Gray, Thomas Speidel, Helen Wynn and Carl Gose.
Surry Players
Reviewed Thursday, 8:30-9:50 p.m. Style—Legit Reviewed on RCA Television Receiver TRK- 12. Station — W2XBS.
The Surry Players, well-known summer theater group now called the Surry Theater Acting Co., is the first outside group to present a play of its own over NBC television. Whether this is of significance is doubtful, but it is of prime importance that the play, Art and Mrs. Bottle, came over as first-class entertainment.
Cast of Mrs. Bottle was well-larded with solid Broadway legit names, and production was of such interest as to leave no doubt of television’s superiority over radio in the matter of dramatic entertainment. In the event the motion picture producing companies manage to get a stranglehold on television—either thru control of product, patents or telecasting stations—it is quite possible that good legit plays will come over the air tainted by that frequently unfortunate Hollywood touch. Just how depressing such a development would be was amply illustrated by the Surry production. Show as given was good legit, and apparently the NBC directors knew enough to adopt a hands-off policy and give the Surry people a free hand.
Cast included Anne Revere, Sheppard Strudwick, Katherine Emery, Helen Wynne, Dorothy Mathews, Jabez Gray, Tom Spiedel and Carl Gose. While tele screen gives poor visualization when many people are shown, this factor was no deterrent in this production. Dialog was confined to small groups of two or three as a general rule, and when others entered the dialog camera was used so as to take in those roles of most momentary importance.
Program lasted about one hour and 20 minutes, and if tele were commercial the Surry Players would have knocked off a sponsor on the basis of this performance.
Adapted by Donald Davis. Paul Ackerman. (Variety, Sept. 23)
With Surry Players
Stage Comedy
80 Mins.
Thursday, 8:30 p.m. (Sept. 14)
NBC-RCA, New York
The Surry Players, reputable legit group scheduled to present Chekhov’s The Three Sisters’ on Broadway next month, gave a blah performance of Benn Levy’s ‘Art and Mrs. Bottle’ for the cathode ray tube.
The comedy was first presented on Broadway in 1930. It’s very, very English drawing-room stuff, which, plus television’s own limitations in heightening action, made it rather dull eye-and-car entertainment.
It was very evident from the beginning that the fault did not lay with the players, but with the director. Latter paced the action okay, but did not exercise careful judgment in the lighting and costuming. Latter’s fault lay in the fact that contrasts weren’t offered, with the players’ light-colored clothing catching and reflecting the bright rays. Might have been okay if the two sets used were dark-colored, but this wasn’t the case and the glare had the players in almost a constant blur. Closeups, however, were good.
The three acts were spaced by three-minute intermissions, but about five minutes before the end somebody in the studio apparently got impatient and flashed ‘The End’ placard. What followed impressed as anti-climactic.
The story concerns a middle-class English family all tied up in romantic knots. These are straightened out by the wayward mother, who returns to find her daughter in love with the young artist the mother originally scrammed oft with; the son enamoured of his cockney model, and the father in a state of complete misunderstanding of his children’s problems.
Shepperd Strudwick, as the artist; Ann Revere, the mother; Jabez Gray, the father, and Katherine Emery, the daughter, are all leading figures among the Surry Players. When visible their performances were excellent, but most times It was best to shut the eyes and simply visualise the action rather than try to follow the blur. Others in the cast, and also histrionically okay, were Tom Speidel, Dorothy Mathews, Carl Gose and Helen Wynn.
Direction was by Donald Davis, who previously had been restricted to daytime shows. He has something to learn about motion picture technique in photographic contrasts. Scho. (Variety, Sept. 20)
Friday, September 15
12:00 Noon—Sports talk with Charles Hodges.
12:15—Film, “Desert Empire.”
12:45—Celebrity service.
3:00-4:00—An outside television feature.
8:30-9:30—Variety hour: Gali-Gali, magician; demonstration of liquid air, vaudeville acts.
Saturday, September 16
3:00-4.00 P. M.—Softball game, Roverettes vs. Americanettes at Jacob Riis Park, Far Rockaway.
Sunday, September 17
TESTING of the Columbia Broadcasting System’s television transmitter in the Chrysler tower has been delayed at least for another four weeks, according to a representative of the station, who explained that a burned-out filter had caused the delay. He said that no approximate date is predictable when a regular program service might be introduced. (Times, Sept. 17)
Tuesday, September 19
12:00 Noon—International Silk Guild Fashion Show, Kay Stammers, interviewed.
12:l5—Film, "Don't Try It."
12:25—Film, "Chevrolet News."
12:35—Film, "Irish Isle."
12:45—Colin O'More, songs.
8:30-9:30—"As Others See Us,” revue by Norman Zeno and Lew Daly, with Imogene Coca, Grace MacDonald, Dorothy Fox, Hiram Sherman, Robert Shackleton, Marie Nash and Ed Smalle's Triads.
Wednesday, September 20
12:00 Noon—Loyd Haberly, with June Hynd, on "How to Make a Book.”
12:15—Film serial, "The Lost Jungle,” Episode V, with Clyde Beatty.
12:35--Film, "Heart of a Nation."
12:45—George Ross, Broadway columnist.
3:00-4:00—Animal show, with Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars of the Bronx Zoo, an outside television feature.
8:30-9:30—Film, "Swing It, Professor," with Pinky Tomlin and the Three Gentle Maniacs (Conn Productions, 1937).
Thursday, September 21
12:00 Noon—Franklin Simon Fashion Show.
12:15—Film, "Life In Lapland.
12:25—Film, "Milk Parade," with Lowell Thomas (A.O. Bondy, 1936).
12:35—Film, "Zion National Park."
12:45—Cherie Schackleton and Alice Maslin, "Manicure Style."
8:30-9:30—Film, “Murder is News” or “Death Takes a Holiday,” by Alberto Casella, with Kent Smith, Martha Scott, Margaret Dale, Edward Trevor, Flora Campbell, Dennis Hoey, Frances Reed and John Clarke (Brooklyn Eagle)
Friday, September 22
12:00 Noon—Madge Tucker's radio children.
12:15—Film, "French Country Life.”
12:25—Film, "Far Speaking."
12:35—Film, "Forward Pass."
12:45—Red Barber, sports talk.
3:00-4:00—Pan-American Day at World’s Fair; speakers, Sec’y, Cordell Hull and Thomas J. Watson.
8:30-9:30—Variety Hour, with a Fashion Show by the New York Herald Tribune, Paul Wing’s Spelling Bee, Tamara, songs.
PAUL WING’S spelling bee turned out to be an entertaining telecast and gave evidence that there are certain radio programs which become more amusing when seen. The camera caught views of the entire group, also the scoreboard on the wall behind them, hut the best shots came across when the “eye” focused on a close-up of the man in the act of spelling, while the next in line also could be seen waiting his chance.
The facial expressions, often puzzling, as the tongue tripped over words, added humor to the telecast which, of course, the broadcast listener misses. Each perplexed and concentrating contest ant was an act in himself, for each personality was vastly different—some serious, others carefree—but each anxious to win the prize.
In the telecast there becomes a closer tie with the audience, and the televiewer finds himself more a part of the bee as he sees the contestants trying intensely to spell a word which seems so easy. The tele-spectator becomes sympathetic for the low scorer, while for the man who has never missed a word the televiewer sits on the edge of his seat fearful that a perfect score might he marred.
The comedian of the occasion is the contestant who falteringly and slowly utters each letter, and then his face lights up with surprise when Mr. Wing declares the spelling to be correct. The speller who plays stupid often turns out to be the comedian in the line-up; he adds life to the game and at times he throws in a bit of comment that fits in with the intimacy of television which makes it seem as if the contestants were in the living room and not twenty miles or so away in Radio City.
Now the tele-audience might like to look in on “Information, Please,” for It is just the sort of a show which the electric cameras can handle. O. E. D. Jr. (Times, Oct. 1)
The big event of the radio day yesterday [22] was the speech of Secretary of State Hull. During the Pan-American Day ceremonies at the World’s Fair, he was presented with a medal for promotion inter-American understanding and friendship. In addition to winging the address all over the world through the shortwave facilities of the NBC and CBS, RCA telecast the entire program over W2XBS from 3 to 4. (Ben Gross, Daily News, Sept. 23)
A television fashion show in scenario form will be broadcast by the National Broadcasting Co. tomorrow [22] at 8:30 p.m., EDST, over W2XBS, when fashions from B. Altman & Co. will be shown in a three-act telecast.
A glamour girl at a dressing table will open the show, successive scenes will be a café and an evening setting.
Thomas H. Hutchinson, production director, and Reginald Hammerstein will produce the show and Katherine Vincent, fashion editor of the New York Herald-Tribune, will be the commentator. (Women’s Wear Daily, Sept. 21)
Stockholders of Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp., were told at the annual meeting held in Fort Wayne, Ind., that the company recently had filed an application with the FCC for a permit to construct an experimental television transmitting a station in Fort Wayne. Approval is expected within 30 days. E A. Nicholas, president, stated that company production of radio receivers and combination radio-phonographs is now in excess of 1,000 a day. Factory operations were started the second week in August, he said. (Wall Street Journal, Sept. 22)
Saturday, September 23
3:00—Golf demonstrating by Ralph Leaf, Henry Ciucci and Joe Ezar.
Television's first football season begins next Saturday [30] with the Fordham University–Waynesburg College game at Randalls Island Stadium which will be telecast from station W2XBS beginning at 2 o'clock. Preliminary tests carried out last week at the Fordham University field proved to engineers that football games can be covered satisfactorily through the use of two cameras, one for close-ups and the other for general views of the action.
Other games booked for telecast by the NBC mobile unit are: Manhattan vs. St. Bonaventure, October 7; C. C. N. Y. vs. St. Joseph's, November 18, and Long Island U. vs. Catholic U. on November 28. According to Burke Crotty, director of outside telecasts, one or two additional "big time" games will be added as soon as arrangements are concluded. The list may include several professional contests, he said. New York Sun, Sept. 23
Sunday, September 24
Aimed to give greater uniformity to day-to-day television operations in New York, the National Broadcasting Company has announced a new timetable effective Tuesday.
Daytime programs will be telecast five afternoons a week—Tuesdays through Saturday—beginning at 2:30 o’clock. The Saturday program usually will be of two hours duration. Studio variety hours, including short film subjects, will be telecast on the Tuesday and Friday matinees. The mobile unit will fill the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday periods.
Evening studio programs will continue at the present hour, 8:30 to 9:30 o’clock, four times a week, Tuesdays through Fridays. Two of these will continue as dramatic hours; the other two will be variety. It is planned shortly to add a Saturday evening program, probably a motion picture, at the same hour. (Times, Sept. 24)
MARKING what is believed to be the first time industrial motion pictures have been shown in western television, the Don Lee Broadcasting System Los Angeles, on Sept. 23 televised over W6XAO a General Motors produced educational film. The video-sound show was fed to 600 teleceivers in Southern California through W6XAO. Subjects included safe automobile operation; development of the diesel engine and sequences showing General Motors shops, methods and materials. (Broadcasting, Oct. 15)
Tuesday, September 26
2:30—George Ross, columnist.
2:45—Film, “Safe Roads.”
2:55—Film, “It’s the Top.”
3:05—Film, “Italian Symphony.”
3:15—Franklin Lacey, impersonator.
8:30—“From Vienna,” excerpts from Broadway production with members of original cast, including Nelly Franck, Maria Pichler, Fred Lorenz, Katherine Mattern, Hedy Pitt, Fred Easler, Walter Martin, Elizabeth Neumann, Illa Roden, Paul Lindenberg, Lothar Rewalt, Henry Werbeck.
Wednesday, September 27
2:30—Lowell Thomas’s nine old men vs. the American Museum head hunters, softball game at the Court of Peace, World’s Fair.
8:30—Tex O’Rourke; Breen and de Rose, songs; Prince Mendez, magician; Vox Pop.
Reviewed Wednesday, 8:30-9:30 p.m. Style—Quiz, variety. Reviewed on RCA Television Receiver. Station—W2XBS.
This program, titled Tele Quiz, was very experimental in nature, much of the time being devoted to a quiz and gag session between emsee Tex O’Rourke and some half-dozen nonprofessionals.
This routine was varied by just two professional acts, Prince Mondes, a magician, and Los Quatos Huasos, Chilean instrumental and singing quartet. Program was supposed to have been unrehearsed.
O’Rourke, who photographs well on tele, proved very deft. After brief questions as to where the different quizzees came from he launched into a series of questions combining elements of surprise and humor. Persons of both sexes were called upon, and some of them proved much more interesting than others. One man in particular, from Massachusetts, displayed such an unusua1 assortment of knowledge, which be delivered in such hokey fashion, that the business seemed all premeditated. NBC denies this, however.
To vary his straight quizzing, O’Rourke had a couple of parlor puzzles on a table, and each of the persons questioned was asked to take a crack at the trick. He also attempted to have his people do charades, describe things without using hand motions and attempt to draw while blindfolded.
Prince Mendes, in formal dress, did paper tears and card, cigaret and cloth turns. He was silent during most of his turn. Impressed as an ace prestidigitator, his manipulations seeming all the more baffling owing to camera close-ups.
Los Quatos Huasos, current at the Chilean Pavilion of the World’s Fair, played guitars and sang native music. Tuneful stuff.
Show in general was entertaining, and work of the camera men seems to have improved. None of cast of this show, for instance, appeared as frightfully ugly as those on previous tele programs. Paul Ackerman. (Billboard, Oct. 7)
PRINCE MENDEZ, by his sleight-of-hand through the New York air, left no doubt that the hand is quicker than the eye, even though the television camera is focused on the hands of a magician. There was not the slightest clue as to where the cards came from in his magic fingers, or how he pulled an endless chain of lighted cigarettes from the air.
The Prince revealed that the magician is an ideal television entertainer. He is to the eye what a regular radio performer is to the ear. The magician need not speak; he plays to the eye. Sound is no part of his act. At last the radio ear wins a rest. Although Mendez held the hat close to the camera, no eagle eye that watched through space could discover how he pulled the six alarm clocks from the chapeau. Any Idea that television, because of it intimacy and close-ups, might reveal the magician’s tricks had been dispelled when Mendez bowed and stepped off the side of the tele-screen.
Tex O’Rourke’s attempt to stage a tele-quiz, a sort of amateur hour for the eye, became added proof that telecasting, to be worthwhile as a performance, must have a professional entertainment touch if the eye is to be held to the screen. The eye is not to be captured as readily as the ear, and it soon becomes bored by untrained, nervous or bashful performers who flounder and stammer in front of the camera.
An amateur hour on television must be entertaining, and it is only so when the personalities please the eye. Tourists in the corridors, invited at random to step into the tele-studio and go on the air, are in the majority of cases not telegenic. Television can learn from Major Bowes’s experience in sifting amateur talent for his radio show that those selected must possess entertainment value and a natural ability if the show is to be successful. When the eye is involved the sifting of talent becomes finer. (Times, Oct. 1)
Thursday, September 28
2:30—Long Island University football and basketball teams in practice at Manhattan Beach; interview with Coach Clair Bee by Bill Stern.
8:30—“When the Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square,” drama with Patricia Calvert, John Moore and Matthew Smith; “Dr. Abernethy,” drama with William Podmore, Robin Craven, Nellie Malcolm, Florence Edney and Naomi Campbell.
With Patricia Calvert, John Moore, Lionel Glenister, J. M. Dunn, Bruce Evans, Matthew Smith, William Podmore, Robin Craven, Naomi Campbell, St. Clair Hayfield, John Carmody, Florence Fair, Richard Waring
65 Mins.
Thursday (28), 8:30 p.m.
RCA-NBC, New York
RCA’S television program dept. ran into royalty trouble recently. After rehearsing ‘Death Takes a Holiday,’ it was found at the last minute that certain claims to royalties had not been cleared and instead of the drama a ‘B’ film meller had to be hastily substituted.
Last Thursday (28) they took no chances, having readied two playlets which were dramatized by the staff. ‘Nightingale’ was adapted from a short story by Michael Arlen, script being by Thomas L. Riley, who did the staging. He also directed ‘Dr. Abernathy,’ which has been done by BBC in London.
One playlet was described as dramatic and the other comic, but both were dramas. Most of the shots were close-ups, requiring very little in a scenic or production way. While the playlets did make up a televised interlude, impression was that known stage material is better as shown so far, even with the limitations of television.
There were seven players in each playlet, which means that about the average number of actors was used as with a full length play. In ‘Nightingale’ were Patricia Calvert, John Moore, Lionel Glenister, J. Malcolm Dunn, Bruce Evans and Matthew Smith. In the other sketch were William Podmore. Robin Craven, Naomi Campbell, St. Clair Bayfield, John Carmody, Florence Fair and Richard Waring.
Use of the playlets is a change of pace in the studio. When a program is rehearsed such as ‘Holiday’ and not televised it is wasted effort, but that is one of the angles that are to be cleared. Perhaps dress rehearsals will be filmed and televised later or that method may be used for rebroadcasts. Ibee. (Variety, Oct. 11)
Friday, September 29
2:30—Fashion Show.
2:45—Film, “Annual Report of Department of Interior.”
3:05—Film serial, “The Lost Jungle,” episode VI.
3:15—Coach James Crowley of Fordham interviewed by Bill Allen.
8:30—Variety program with Ramon Armendod, Mexican singer; television explorers.
Saturday, September 30
3:00-4:00 P. M.—Fordham vs. Waynesburg football game at Triborough Stadium, Randalls Island.
Saturday, Sept. 30, ‘39
RCA-NBC, New York
Premier of football over New York television was highly successful. Unlike baseball with its players scattered over a wide field, the compact formation in football of both sides within a small range of focus means that the iconoscope can keep steadily beamed on the mail) act on. Actually the television camera was remarkably close to the line of scrimmage in many shots. The players could be easily made out and there was a good chance to watch some, if not all plays in detail. It was all that the back rows in a stadium see and more.
Sun was out Saturday and that helped, although rain threatened and did arrive. It’s clear that the outdoor crew of RCA-NBC television is learning fast. Blending from one camera to other revealed more smoothness.
It was a memorable occasion in what this first football event, a minor game, suggests for the future of televized sports. Except for punts, and passes, which remained out of camera range, the spectator could follow the action quite well. Plenty good enough to size up the quality of the much touted Fordham players and teamwork. Land. (Variety, Oct. 4)
Reviewed Saturday, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Style—Football game. Reviewed on RCA Television Receiver. Station—W2XBS.
The first collegiate football game ever to be televised came over remarkably well, from the standpoint of both the television addict and the football fan. Game was Fordham’s opening set-up against Waynesburg, played at Randall’s Island stadium. New York. Three cameras were used, two at ground level on the sidelines, and the other up in the stands, with another camera seemingly coming into use for a few longer range shots. It was a bright day and the sun glare blurred the lighter colored objects pretty badly, but there was no difficulty in following the play and even, on occasion, the ball itself. Images were better when the teams got into the shadow of the stands.
An excellent job was done in following the play, with only the kicks and the forward passes presenting a problem. Camera found some difficulty in moving as fast as the ball, usually catching it only after it had landed on the ground or in somebody’s arms. Clearest shots came from the camera in the stands, the field-level views being often intercepted by the players.
From the entertainment angle also the game was better than expected. Little Waynesburg put up a plucky fight all the way, and the Fordham powerhouse failed entirely to live up to its advance blurbs. All the way to the third quarter It was still a football game rather than a track meet. Burr. (Billboard, Oct. 14)
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