At the end of August 1947, his two-plus-year ban on live music on television was still in effect. But just as he temporarily lifted it for an Easter service (Petrillo wasn’t going to fool around with God, either), he did the same for the broadcast of an entertainment spectacular at the Legion Convention in New York City.
A Sugar Ray Robinson boxing bout was also part of the legionnaire affair. It wasn’t much of a fight. Robinson knocked out his opponent just after the minute mark of the first round.
Another special sports highlight on television at the end of August 1947 was the Davis Cup.
In studio, the radio show “Leave It To The Girls” jumped to TV. Again, networks didn’t have seasons (fall or otherwise) yet. Shows appeared and disappeared at any time during the year.
Additional stations were getting closer to getting on the air. WBAL-TV Baltimore was about to show off its new studios, while trade magazines showed off WBZ-TV’s mobile unit. Neither would provide viewers with a regular schedule in 1947.
Below are schedules, news items and a few programme reviews.
Sunday, August 17 WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:45 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
2:30 Wightman Cup Tennis Matches, Forest Hills, N.Y., call by Vincent Richards.
7:15 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
8:00 “The Week in Review,” news highlights.
8:10 Feature film: “Death From a Distance” with Russell Hopton, Lola Lane, George F. Marion, Sr. (Invincible, 1935).
WNBT Channel 4
8:00 “Ringside” with Tex and Jinx,” filmed show sponsored by Ipana/Minit-Rub.
8:20 “Party Line” with Bert Parks, sponsored by Ipana toothpaste and Ingram’s Shaving Cream.
8:50 Film Shorts. 9:00 Borden Supper Show.
9:20 Feature film.
WABD Channel 5, New York
1:45 Test Pattern.
1:55 “Sports Names to Remember,” sponsored by Mouquin Wine.
2:00 Baseball at Yankee Stadium, Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox, play-by-play with Bill Slater.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
1:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:20 Baseball Double header at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Brooklyn Dodgers, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 NBC programming.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
6:00 Test Pattern; 8:00 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
1:20 Baseball at Griffith Stadium, Senators vs. Philadelphia Athletics, play-by-play with Bob Wolff.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis
8:00 Commentary by Dr. Roland G. Usher, "Ceylon and the British Lifeline to Asia".
8:15 Film show.
8:30 Preview by Frank Eschen of Muny Opera production of "Show Boat".
8:50 Film.
9:00 Hobby Corner, J. A. Long.
9:20 Film.
9:30 Songs by Knight MacGregor, baritone.
9:40 Concert by the Swiss Ladies Chorus of St. Louis.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
1:30 Baseball Double Header at Gilmore Field, Hollywood Stars vs. Los Angeles Angels.
3:30 Films.
8:30 Cartoon comedy.
8:40 “Shopping at Home” with Keith Hetherington and Harrise Brin, presented by leading Los Angeles Stores.
8:55 Cartoonews.
9:00 “Hits and Bits,” Variety Show with Dick Lane.
The first program will feature the art of spinning. Display of museum pieces, the television audience will be shown by an expert the art how flax is made of thread and then into cloth.
The Cooperstown museum is widely known as one of the best equipped in this part of the country. (Schenectady Gazette, Aug. 15)
Monday, August 18
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
7:35 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
8:20 Baseball at Ebbets Field, Playoff of Dodgers-Cardinals dispute game.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
8:00 Esso Reporter, newsreel narrated by Paul Alley.
8:10 Film shorts.
8:40 Trotting Races from Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, L.I.
9:40 NBC Television Newsreel.
WABD Channel 5, New York
3:00 INS News, music and Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” hosted by Bob Emery, sponsored by American Pipe Cleaning.
7:30 Film shorts.
8:15 Know Your New York.
8:30 “Sports Names to Remember,” sponsored by Mouquin Wine.
8:40 Baseball at Yankee Stadium, Yankees vs. N.Y. Giants exhibition game, play-by-play with Bill Slater.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
8:30 Wrestling from Midway Arena.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 NBC programming.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
1:00-3:00 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00 Test Pattern; 8:00 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
2:50 Baseball at Griffith Stadium, Senators vs. Philadelphia Athletics Benefit Game; 6:45 News, Walter Compton; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Step ‘n’ Fetch It; 7:45 "Swing Hostess," Martha Tilton, Charles Collins; 9:00 The Music Album; 9:15 Film Shorts; 9:30 Step 'n’ Fetch It.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 Film.
3:25 American Legion Auxilary Chorus.
3:40 Film.
4:00 Man on the Street, Frank Eschen, m. c., sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
8:00 “Telequizicalls,” charades hosted Harry Gibbs, with singer Dottye Bennett and actress Jan Dysart, sponsored by Union Electric.
8:30 Film.
8:40 Man on the Street.
9:00 Film.
9:10 Russ Severin, singer.
9:30 Film.
9:40 News and Views.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
3:00 Test slides and music.
3:30 Film: “Sports Spellbinder.”
3:42 Film: “Chile.”
3:54-4:30 Tests.
8:00 Test slides and music.
8:25 Wrestling at the Hollywood Legion Auditorium, Danny McShaine vs Wild Red Berry, Maurice LaChapelle vs. Lucky Simonovich, Jan Blears vs. Angelo Savoldi, John Cretoria vs. Ivan Kameroff.
KLTA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
4:30 “Your Town—Los Angeles Presents.”
8:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music.
8:30 Amateur Boxing Matches, South Gate arena.
GENERAL FOODS Corp., New York, Aug. 21 starts "Leave It to the Girls" on WNBT New York, NBC video station, for six weeks, Thur., 8-8:30 p.m., as part of company's experimental video series. New program, television adaptation of the MBS radio show, will advertise Pectin. Show replaces "Author Meets the Critics," also adopted from network radio series, which has advertised Maxwell House Coffee on WNBT. (Broadcasting, Aug. 18)
Tuesday, August 19 WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
WNBT Channel 2, New York
8:00 News and films.
8:40 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. Cincinnati Reds, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
WABD Channel 5, New York City
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS News, music and test pattern.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, relayed from WTTG.
7:00 “Movies for Small Fry” hosted by Bob Emery.
7:30 “Highway to the Stars,” dramatic serial.
8:00 Western Feature Film, sponsored by Chevrolet.
9:00 Boxing from Jerome Stadium, Davey Cohen vs. Ross Anzalone, sponsored by Teldisco.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 Teen Town.
7:45 Film.
8:00 “Streamliner Parade,” sponsored by Union Pacific and Northwestern Railroads.
8:20 “Behind the Headlines.”
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 1:00 Test Chart.
1:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:20 Baseball Double header at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Chicago Cubs, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 Motion picture cartoon.
8:15 Motion picture feature.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Phaildelphia
1:00-3:00 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news.
7:00 DuMont.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
3:00 Test slides and music.
3:30 Film: “Sierra Journey.”
3:45-4:30 Tests.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:15 Pacific Coast League baseball at Gilmore Field, Hollywood Stars vs San Francisco Seals.
With Marguerite Stevens, Germaine Golds, Marianne Betrand, Dolores Tobin, Sue Nierman, and Dan Little
Producer: Buleah Karney
Writer: Marguerite Stevens
15 Mins.; Tues., 7:30 p.m.
WBKB, Chicago
This is one of a 15-minute, once-a-week series of programs, concerned with juvenile problems. Format consists of a dramatized skit after which three teenage jurors discuss problem presented. Jurors are fed questions by Miss Stevens, who writes the show and acts as mediator. Basically, writer had a good idea for television, but missed the boat with repetitious [sic], corny remarks about phone etiquette and how wrong it is to use other peoples' cosmetics.
In stanza caught, trite episode revolved around sloppy, jean-wearing, gabby miss who ties up the phone moaning about her favorite crooner; Young sis loses out on opportunity to meet singer by not getting dressed in time to go to crooner's supper club. Momentous problem, presented to young jury, was whether or not older sister should have told her about club before hand and whether it was right for junior miss to use phone to excess.
Cast went overboard on minor situation trying to make it appear vastly important and failing by overacting. In the question and answer part of the show, jurors couldn't think of appropriate comment and repeated themselves constantly. Scripter is not good tele material as she accentuates facial expressions. Only cast member who impressed slightly was kid sis, Germaine Golda.
Camera work was not too good, with the picture blurred in many tames. While setting of teenage bedroom reflected "crooner influence," contrast was poor with light dresses not showing up well against white background. (Variety, Aug. 27)
Wednesday, August 20
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test Pattern, time signals, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
8:30 “Midnight Alarm,” New York Fire Department Show, Madison Square Garden, sponsored by Ford.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
1:25 Baseball Double header at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. Cincinnati Reds, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
7:30 “Kraft Television Theatre—The First Year” sponsored by MacLaren’s Imperial Cheese.
8:30 “In the Kelvinator Kitchen” with Alma Kitchell.
8:45 “Capital Citizen,” guest, baseball club president Clark Griffith interviewed by Bill Herson from Washington, relayed from WNBW.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery.
7:30 “Bob Wolff Sports Clinic,” from WTTG.
7:45 “Swing Into Sports” with Vincent Richards.
8:00 Film shorts.
8:45 Boxing at Jamaica Arena, Charley Varre vs. Pat Scanlon, sponsored by American Stores.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 Frank Wood, Private Detective.
7:45 Film, short subjects.
8:15 Jack Payne, sponsored by Terman Television Sales.
8:30 Wrestling from Rainbo arena, with Russ Davis, sponsored by Keeley Beer.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 2:00 Test Chart.
2:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
2:20 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Chicago Cubs, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:30 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
7:45 Sports Scrap Book with Stoney McLinn and Bill Campbell.
8:00 Motion Picture Featurette.
8:30 NBC programming.
8:45 Motion picture short.
9:00 “The Fall of the House of Usher.”
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Phaildelphia
1:00-3:00 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00 Test Pattern; 8:00 NBC; 9:50 “Capital Citizens.”
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Bob Wolff Sports Clinic; 7:45 Unannounced; 8:30 Wrestling from Turner's Arena.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
3:00 Test slides and music.
3:30 Film: “Chile.”
3:42 Film: “Ocala.”
3:54-4:30 Tests.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:30 Wrestling Matches from the Olympic Auditorium, Ernie and Emil Dusek vs. George Becker and Enrique Torres, Jules Strongbow vs. Vicente Lopez, sponsored by Ford.
With Marlowe McNeills, Eloise McElhone, Harriet Van Home, Dorothy Kilgallen; William Bradford Huie, guest; Eddie Dunn, moderator
Director: Fred Coe
Producer: Herb Leder
Sets: Bob Wade
30 Mins.; Thurs., 8 p.m.
GENERAL FOODS (Benton & Bowles)
Mutual's femme chatter session made its bow as a television item on NBC's N. Y. outlet last week (21), replacing "Author Meets the Critics" in General Foods' parade of video experiments. What could be said for its predecessor can also be said for the tele version of "Leave It to the Girls"—dialers who like to listen to this show will find it doubly attractive as a visual presentation. (For men viewers especially, the gals being not at all hard to look at.) Preem edition had author and foreign correspondent William Bradford Huie as guest, and he proved not only telegenic, in a man-of-distinction sort of way, but also a keen needier of feminine fancies. The girls found him no easy prey.
Couple of filmed skits were effectively injected in the routine to illustrate "problems" submitted for the femme panel's consideration. Eddie Dunn was a capable emcee. He has little to do but toss out the question: the girls grab it and kick it around with plenty of caustic comment. Miss McElhone and Miss McNellis, both regulars on the panel (and both especially videogenic), had a couple of equally articulate and animated teammates in columnists Dorothy Kilgallen and Harriet Van Horne.
Stanza wisely was given a living-room setting which made for an informal air about the proceedings. Camera work was par, possibly allowing for improvement only in a couple of places where it seemed the camera might have been closeup on the person speaking (as it was most of the time) instead of picking up a full view of the panel. (Cameraman, incidentally, had an eye for Miss McElhone's pulchritude—Tor which, who could blame him?—doing the intro shot of her with a slow plan from the ankles up!)
Sponsor, who chose to plug Certo on this stanza, inserted the main commercial two-thirds of the way through the sequence. It took the form of a skit depicting a housewife in the kitchen, wailing "What am I going to do about my jam and jello making?", then discovering how Certo solves the problem. Device was passably effective, being sufficiently amusing not to be too tedious. Opening and closing commercials were acceptably brief and cued to the show via a "Leave it to Certo" catchline. Donn. (Variety, Aug. 27)
Thursday, August 21
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
2:00-5:00 Test Pattern.
7:15 Test Pattern, time, music.
8:00 CBS Television News with Douglas Edwards, sponsored by Gulf.
8:15 Documentary Film.
8:35 Quicky Quiz.
8:38 Feature film.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
7:50 Television Newsreel.
8:00 “Leave it to the Girls,” guest, William Bradford Hule (debut).
8:30 “Friend of the Family.”
9:00 “You Are an Artist” with John Gnagy, sponsored by Gulf Oil.
9:10 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, relayed from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery, sponsored by Fisher Baking.
7:30 “Birthday Party” with Bill Slater.
8:00-9:15 Nickelodeon—Old-Time Picture Show (debut).
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
8:45 Girls baseball from Parichy Field, play-by-play with Guy Savage.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 1:00 Test Chart.
1:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:20 Baseball Double header at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. St. Louis Cardinals, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:35 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
7:50 NBC program.
8:00 “Pleased to Meet You,” with Roy Neal and celebrity interviews.
8:15 Short subjects.
9:00 NBC Programming.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
1:00-3:00 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00 Test Pattern; 8:00 Bethel College A Capella Choir.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 N.B.C. Television Newsreel.
3:25 St. Louis County Fair Show.
3:35 Film.
3:45 Man on the Street, Frank Eschen, m. c., sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
4:00 Film.
8:10 NBC Television Newsreel.
8:20 Baseball from Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis Browns vs. Philadelphia Athletics, play-by-play with Ellis Veach and Ray Stockton, sponsored by Purity Bakeries. W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
3:00 Test slides and music.
3:30 Film: “Children of Holland” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1939)
3:42 Film: “The Worst of Farm Disasters” (REA, 1941)
3:54-4:30 Tests.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:00 Meet the Dons.
8:15 Pacific Coast League baseball at Gilmore Field, Hollywood Stars vs. Sacramento Seals.
New series of full-hour film programs, featuring a collection of well-known “oldies” under the title of “Nickelodeon,” makes its debut over WABD tomorrow night [21], under direction of production of Bob Emery. Series will use a collection of old comedies and newsreels that were popular fare during the days of the Nickelodeon movies.
Highlights of the series, which will run for 13 weeks, will be newsreels of the inauguration of President McKinley, the 1900 Easter Parade, a William S. Hart western, Keystone comedies, the Dempsey-Willard fight, and a Ruth Rawlins “thriller.” (Radio Daily, Aug. 20)
In memory of General Harbord, WNBT, NBC tele station, last night [20] aired a special 15-minute newsreel program recalling some of the high points of his distinguished military career. Shots of Harbord with General Pershing were featured. [Harbord was a retired president and chairman of the board of RCA who died that morning.] (Radio Daily, Aug. 21)
Video receivers now in operation in Chicago total 5,027, which makes the cost of advertising on WBKB $375 an hour, a rate based on set census. This rate will prevail until 15,000 receivers are installed . . . A new sports show, Inquiring Sports Reporter, will be launched on WBKB next Monday. Jack Brickhouse, who will handle the show, is to visit the office of an athletic notable each week. (Chi. Trib., Aug. 21)
Friday, August 22
WNBT Channel 4, New York
1:00 “Swift Home Service Club” with Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenburg, with George Nelson, guest, and Martha Logan in the Swift Test Kitchen.
1:30 News and films.
2:25 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, N.Y. Giants vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
8:00 “Disk Magic” with Jack Kilty.
8:20 “The World in Your Home,” sponsored by RCA.
8:30 “Arthur Meets the Critics,” Bruno Shaw, guest, sponsored by Maxwell House Coffee.
9:02 “Gillette Cavalcade of Sports.” Boxing from Madison Square Garden, Charlie Fusari vs. Joe di Martino.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery.
7:30 Bubble Gum contest, sponsored by Bowman's Gum.
7:45 Film shorts.
8:00 “Doorway to Fame.”
8:30 “The Magic Carpet” by Bud Gamble, sponsored by Alexander Smith Carpets.
8:45 Wrestling from Jamaica Arena, sponsored by American Stores.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 “Telechats,” sponsored by The Fair.
7:45 Short subjects.
8:15 Tales of Hoffman.
8:30 Film: short subjects.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:30 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
7:45 Kiddies Cartoon. 8:00 NBC program.
8:20 Motion picture short.
8:30 “Handy Man” with Jack Creamer, sponsored by Gimbel's.
8:45 Selected motion pictures.
9:00 Miss Television of Philadelphia Contest.
9:15 NBC Programming.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
1:00-3:00 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00 Test Pattern; 7:45 Light Fantastic; 8:00 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Santa Fe Trail.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 Film.
3:25 Better Business program with Harry W. Riel.
3:35 Film.
3:45 Man on the Street, Frank Eschen, m. c., sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
4:00 Film.
8:20 Baseball from Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis Browns vs. Philadelphia Athletics, play-by-play with Ellis Veach and Ray Stockton, sponsored by Purity Bakeries. W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
3:00 Tests and music.
3:30 Films: “Forest Rangers.”
4:00-4:30 Tests and music.
8:00 Test slides and recorded music.
8:30 Boxing at the Hollywood Legion Auditorium, Chuey Figueroa vs. Benny Calla.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:00 Talent contest.
With Marlowe Ferris. Nils Brent
Director: Charles Kelly
15 Mins.; every other Friday, 7:45 p.m.
WNBW-NBC, Washington
WNBW's first locally-sponsored show is that usually sure-fire video staple—a "how-to-do-it" stint. Arthur Murray's dancers, with local manager Mrs. Ethel Gomez handling the narration, put on a pleasant demonstration of the rhumba, starting with the easiest steps and working up—a little too fast, it seemed—to the tough ones.
The dance team and narrator Gomez are both definitely photogenic. Show should have great appeal for the bobby-soxers and their still nimble-footed elders. Dance team tees off and after a smooth exhibition. Mrs. Gomez explains the steps, using charts to make the foot positions clearer. Technique is a good though charts should be black on white, since the average viewer practically has to put his nose in the set to see their present markings.
WNBW's blurb says that comedy touches will be added later by a series of "Dancing Don'ts" which will indicate, by exaggeration, common dancing faults. Show is good watching and should succeed in getting viewers out of their chairs and in the swing. Technically, stint was marred by the blinking effect resulting from shift of cameras from distance to closeup shots and vice versa. Commercials were adequately handled by shot of a radio-combo unit in which rhumba disk was playing.
Program was produced under general supervision of WNBW program director John Gaunt. Holl. (Variety, Aug. 27)
Chicago—The Johnson Kennedy Radio Corporation has filed a second application for a television license for WIND, first Chicago independent station to apply. WIND’s first application for color television was withdrawn when the FCC decided to postpone licensing of color television until later date. (Radio Daily, Aug. 22)
Saturday, August 23 WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test pattern, time, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Reds, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
7:15 Test pattern, time, music.
8:00 CBS Television News with Tom O’Connor.
8:15 Film short.
8:45 Feature film.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
1:25 Baseball Double header at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
4:30 Washington Park American Derby, called by Guy Savage.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
1:30 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:50 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. St. Louis Cardinals, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
2:20 Baseball from Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis Browns vs. Philadelphia Athletics, play-by-play with Ellis Veach and Ray Stockton, sponsored by Purity Bakeries. 8:00 Feature film: Jimmy Kelly and Ann Gillis in "Peck's Bad Boy With the Circus" (1938)
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music.
8:15 Pacific Coast League baseball at Gilmore Field, Hollywood Stars vs. Sacramento Seals.
Sunday, August 24 WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test pattern, time, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
6:15 Test pattern, time, music.
7:00 Film shorts.
8:00 “The Week in Review,” news highlights.
8:15 Feature film.
WNBT Channel 4
2:00 Baseball Double header at the Polo Grounds, N.Y. Giants vs. Chicago Cubs, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
8:00 “Ringside” with Tex and Jinx,” filmed show sponsored by Ipana/Minit-Rub.
8:20 “Party Line” with Bert Parks, sponsored by Ipana toothpaste and Ingram’s Shaving Cream.
8:50 Film shorts.
9:00 Borden Show, “A Scotch Dilemma,” one-act comedy with Frank Thomas.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
1:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:20 Baseball Double header at Shibe Park, Phillies vs, Cincinnati Reds, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 NBC programming.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00-8:00 Test Pattern.
8:00 NBC.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis
8:00 Commentary by Dr. Roland G. Usher on “The Reorganization of Our Armed Forces."
8:15 Film show.
8:25 Songs by Russ Severin and guest soloists.
8:45 News and Views.
9:00 Feature film.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
1:30 Baseball Double Header at Gilmore Field, Hollywood Stars vs. San Francisco Seals.
3:30 Films, Yesterdays horse race at Del Mar.
8:30 Cartoon comedy.
8:40 “Shopping at Home” with Keith Hetherington and Harrise Brin, presented by leading Los Angeles Stores.
8:55 Cartoonews.
9:00 “Hits and Bits,” Variety Show with Dick Lane.
Monday, August 25
WNBT Channel 4, New York
2:25 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, N.Y. Giants vs. Chicago Cubs, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
8:00 Esso Reporter, newsreel narrated by Paul Alley.
8:10 Film: “Breaking the Ice” with Bobby Breen, Charlie Ruggles, songs by Frank Churchill and Victor Young (RKO, 1938). 9:30 Trotting Races from Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, L.I.
10:30 NBC Television Newsreel.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire, test pattern and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” hosted by Bob Emery, sponsored by American Pipe Cleaning.
7:30 Jean Chadwick, songs.
7:45 Film shorts.
8:15 Know Your New York.
8:45 Boxing at Jamaica Arena, sponsored by Winston Television.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
8:15 Jack Brickhouse, sports.
8:30 Wrestling from Midway Arena.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 NBC programming.
8:10 Motion picture featurette.
8:20 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs, Cincinnati Reds, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Step ‘n’ Fetch It; 7:45 DuMont; 8:45 The Music Album; 9:00 Film Featurette; 9:30 Step ‘n’ Fetch It; 10:00 DuMont.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 Film.
3:25 Plaster and clay moulding demonstration by Marjory Ball.
3:40 Film.
4:00 Man on the Street, Frank Eschen, m. c., sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
8:00 “Telequizicalls,” charades hosted Harry Gibbs, with singer Dottye Bennett and actress Jan Dysart, sponsored by Union Electric.
8:30 Sports Closeups, film of Bob Hope, King Crosby and movie stars at golf, sponsored by Griesedieck Brothers Brewery.
8:50 Man on the Street.
9:20 Film.
9:30 Swearing in of Women Reserves for the Marine Corps.
9:55 News and Views.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
8:00 Test slides and recorded music.
8:25 Wrestling from Hollywood Legion Auditorium, Ed Strangler Lewis and Danny McShain vs. Ernie Dusek and Wild Red Berry, Jan Blears vs. Billy Vargas, Maurice LaChapelle vs. Tony Morelli, Angelo Savoldi vs. Jimmy Lott, Pete Petersen vs. Bob Corby.
KLTA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, (sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg all days except Sunday).
4:00 Films for television dealers, (sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg all days except Sundays).
4:30 “Your Town—Los Angeles Presents.”
8:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music.
8:30 Amateur Boxing Matches.
THREE program sponsors signed by WNBW Washington, television affiliate of WRC, Georges Radio & Television Stores Aug. 22 started Let's Learn to Dance, with Arthur Murray dancers, Friday 7:45-8 p.m. Agency, Robert J. Enders, Washington.
Columbia Wholesalers (Philco) about Oct. 1 starts series of historic championship fight films, Wednesday, 9:30 p.m., averaging 20 minutes. Agency, Kal, Ehrlich & Merrick, Washington. Gunther Brewing Co., Baltimore, Sept. 12 starts Sports School following Madison Square Garden fights Friday nights.
Agency, Booth, Vickery & Schwinn, Baltimore, Columbia Wholesalers also sponsoring station breaks. WNBW went commercial two weeks ago after formal debut June 27. (Broadcasting, Aug. 25)
Philco Television programming is to start Monday, Sept. 1, on Paramount’s television station, KTLA, it was announced yesterday [25] by Larry Finley, producer of television programs for Gough Industries.
This programming is preceding the introduction in the L.A. area of the new Philco television receivers, which will be placed on the market next week.
Klaus Landsburg, head of KTLA, has signed with Gough Industries for several program series, which include sports remotes, special features, etc.
All production of live studio telecasting will be done by the newly-formed television dept. of Finley Transcriptions, with direction by the KTLA staff. All remotes will be produced as well as directed by the station.
The first of the Gough-Philco programs takes to the air with the telecasting of a live afternoon show next Monday. A Hollywood [part of the sentence is garbled] Home Economics expert, kiddie programs and other live shows will be presented daily. The Dean Cromwell show, “Football With Philco,” under the sponsorship of the Broadway Dept. Store, is the first of the evening programs to be announced. (Hollywood Reporter, Aug. 26)
Tuesday, August 26 WNBT Channel 2, New York
1:25 Baseball Double header at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. Chicago Cubs, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
WABD Channel 5, New York City
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire, test pattern and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, from WTTG.
7:00 “Movies for Small Fry” hosted by Bob Emery.
7:30 “Highway to the Stars,” dramatic serial; a Caples Co. Production.
8:00 Western Feature Film, sponsored by Chevrolet.
9:00 Boxing from Jerome Arena, sponsored by Teldisco. [Note: postponed due to thunderstorm.]
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 “Behind the Headlines.”
7:45 Film.
8:00 “Streamliner Parade,” sponsored by Union Pacific and Northwestern Railroads.
8:20 Character analyst.
8:30 Film.
8:45 Drama.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 Motion picture short.
8:15 Motion picture feature.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 9:00 Reel Jockey with Bob Emery; 9:30 DuMont.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
9:30 Test slides and music.
10:00 “Queen For a Day.”
10:30-10:45 Test slides and music.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
2:30 Baseball from Wrigley Field, Los Angeles Angels vs. Portland Beavers.
8:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music.
8:30 Cartoon.
8:40 Short Subject.
9:00 Western feature film.
Wednesday, August 27
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test pattern, time, music.
1:50 Baseball at the Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Chicago Cubs, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Post Cereals and Ford.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
7:30 “Kraft Television Theatre—Yes and No,” sponsored by MacLaren’s Imperial Cheese.
8:30 “In the Kelvinator Kitchen” with Alma Kitchell.
8:45 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. St. Louis Cardinal, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire, test pattern and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, relayed from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery.
7:30 “Bob Wolff Sports Clinic,” relayed from WTTG.
7:45 “Swing Into Sports” with Vincent Richards.
8:00 Film: “Julius Caesar.”
8:30 Nickelodeon—Old Time Movies.
8:45 Boxing at Jamaica Arena, Orlando Fernandez vs. Joe Lucas (six rounds), sponsored by American Stores.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 Frank Wood, Private Detective.
8:00 Film, short subjects.
8:15 Jack Payne, sponsored by Terman Television Sales.
8:30 Wrestling from Rainbo arena, with Russ Davis, Hans and George Schnabel vs. Olaf Olson and Pat Fraley, sponsored by Keeley Beer.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:30 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
7:45 Sports Scrap Book with Stoney McLinn and Bill Campbell.
8:00 Motion Picture Featurette.
8:30 NBC programming.
8:45 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
4:00 Test Pattern; 7:30 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Bob Wolff Sports Clinic; 7:45 “Dixie Jamboree” with Frances Langford (PRC, 1944); 9:00 Wrestling from Turner Arena.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
9:30 Test slides and music.
10:00 “Queen For a Day.”
10:30-10:45 Test slides and music.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:30 Wrestling at the Olympic Auditorium, Enrique Torres vs. Ernie Dusek, K.O. Koverly vs. Vicente Lopez, Jules Strongbow vs. Bobby Becker, Emil Dusek vs. George Bucker, Major Sammy Menacker vs. Joel Morris, sponsored by Ford.
New York.—The American Federation of Musicians’ ban on the use of musicians in television is scheduled to be lifted for one broadcast only to permit the telecasting of the American Legion’s “Celebrity Night” Saturday from Madison Square Garden over WCBS-TV. A Legion spokesman confirmed that a verbal go-ahead has been received from James Petrillo to allow musicians on the telecast of the special program climaxing the Legion convention here this week.
The ban on live music in television has been on since February, 1945 (Hollywood Reporter, Aug. 27 1947).
Dennis James has been signed by DuMont to describe the play-by-play of the professional football games of the New York Yankees over WABD this coming season. (Radio Daily, Aug. 27)
What is considered to be a brand new gimmick in commercial television will turn up this fall when Pabst Beer uses its radio star, Eddie Cantor, for a series of video commercials, on film, during airing of the New York Giant football games over WNBT, New York. Technique used in the commercials, which present Cantor in gagged up scenes, is an attempt to integrate the sponsor’s product with maximum entertainment.
This new development in television came to light yesterday during an interview with Cantor in his suite at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. The comic has just completed filming scenes for six or seven video commercials. All shots were taken outdoors at Baker Field in upper Manhattan. One commercial will show Cantor chasing around on the gridiron, presumably waiting for a pass. Finally a bottle of Pabst drops into his hands. In another scene the comedian, sitting in the press box covering a football game, tries to prove his knowledge of sports reporting by explaining the workings of a typewriter, pointing out it has a “blue ribbon.”
At present Cantor has no plans to enter television with his own show but when he begins his radio show Sept. 25 over NBC it will be done every week without a script. Cantor said all cast members will memorize their lines before the broadcast and that consequently such practice would make him and his troupe ready for television at the proper time.
Makes Prediction
The veteran movie and radio comedian predicts that within five years persons far removed from New York can dial a number and see a hit Broadway show by television. He traced the current holdback in television to advertisers who won’t spend money on shows without an audience and manufacturers who won’t make sets because of the lack of programs. He suggested the “two minds should get together” and that if advertisers would go ahead and underwrite the preliminary cost of video, big audiences would naturally follow.
Cantor has just finished a picture with Joan Davis for RKO titled “If You Knew Susie.” It’ll be released around December and he says it’s his last picture, although he’ll continue in radio. (Radio Daily, Aug. 27)
Thursday, August 28
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
11:45 a.m. Test Pattern, time, music.
12:30 Opening Session, American Legion Convention at Madison Square Garden, Governor Dewey [right, with family and DuMont RA-103 TV set] and Mayor O’Dwyer, speakers.
1:50 Baseball at the Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Dodgers vs. Chicago Cubs, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Post Cereals and Ford.
6:00 Forty and Eight Parade, American Legion.
8:00 CBS Television News with Douglas Edwards, sponsored by Gulf.
8:20 Feature film.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
12:25 Governor Dewey at the American Legion Convention.
2:25 Baseball at the Polo Grounds, Giants vs. St. Louis Cardinals, play-by-play with Bob Stanton.
6:00 Forty and Eight Parade, American Legion.
7:50 Television Newsreel.
8:00 “Leave it to the Girls,” sponsored by General Foods.
8:30 “Author Meets the Critics,” Virgilia Peterson will defend Ludwig Lewisohn’s “The Case of Mr. Crump” against John McCaffery’s attack.
9:00 “You Are an Artist” with John Gnagy, sponsored by Gulf Oil.
9:10 American Legion Commanders Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire, test pattern and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, relayed from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery, sponsored by Fisher Baking.
7:30 “Birthday Party” with Bill Slater.
8:00-9:15 Feature Film.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
8:45 Girls baseball from Parichy Field, play-by-play with Guy Savage.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
5:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
6:00 NBC program.
8:00 “Pleased to Meet You,” with Roy Neal and celebrity interviews.
8:15 Short subjects.
8:35 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
WFIL-TV Channel 6, Philadelphia
2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
12:00 NBC; 2:30 Test Pattern; 6:00 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 9:15 Miss Semper Fidelis.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 N.B.C. Television Newsreel.
3:25 Man on the Street, Frank Eschen, m. c., sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
3:50 Film.
4:00 Playgrounds program, Old King Cole’s Court.
8:00 Interview with U.S. Senator Forrest C. Donnell.
8:10 NBC Television Newsreel.
8:20 Songs by Russ Severin.
8:30 Film.
8:40 News and Views.
8:55 Feature film.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
9:30 a.m. Test slides and music.
10:00 “Queen For a Day.”
10:30-10:45 Test slides and music.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:00 Meet the Dons. 8:15 Pacific Coast League baseball at Wrigley Field, Los Angeles Angels vs. Portland Beavers.
Washington.—Two new commercial tele stations...were okayed yesterday [28] by the FCC—the tele stations to operate in New Haven, Conn., and Wilmington, Del. Channel No. 6 was assigned to the Elm City Broadcasting Corp., New Haven, and Channel No. 7 to WDEL, Inc. Wilmington. (Radio Daily, Aug. 29).
Friday, August 29
WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:45 Test Pattern, time, music.
2:00 American Legion Convention from 71st Regiment Armory, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenbower, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, speakers.
7:35 Test Pattern, time, music.
8:20 Baseball at the Ebbets Field, Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Giants, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Post Cereals and Ford.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
12:00 American Legion Convention (also 2:00 and 3:30).
1:00 “Swift Home Service Club” with Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenburg, with Martha Logan in the Swift Test Kitchen.
1:30 Television Newsreel.
2:00 American Legion Convention.
4:00 Legion Drum and Bugle Corps Contest from Randall’s Island.
8:00 “Disk Magic” with Jack Kilty.
8:20 “The World in Your Home,” sponsored by RCA.
8:30 “In Town Today.”
8:40 “Gillette Cavalcade of Sports.” Boxing from Madison Square Garden, Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Flashy Sebastian, welterweight, ten rounds, non-title.
WABD Channel 5, New York
2:30 Test Pattern.
3:00 INS news wire, test pattern and music.
6:30 Test Pattern.
6:45 News from Washington with Walter Compton, relayed from WTTG.
7:00 “Small Fry Club” with Bob Emery.
7:30 Film shorts.
8:00 “Doorway to Fame.”
8:30 “Sports Names to Remember,” sponsored by Mouquin Wine.
8:40 Baseball from Yankee Stadium, Yankees vs. Washington Senators, play-by-play with Bill Slater.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
7:30 “Telechats,” sponsored by The Fair.
7:45 Short subjects.
8:00 Singing Smiths.
8:15 Golf with Bill Gordon.
8:30 Football, Chicago Rockets vs. Los Angeles Dons, sponsored by Keeley beer.
9:00 Boxing at Madison Athletic club, sponsored by Keeley beer.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
9:30 to 5:30 Test Chart.
7:30 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
7:45 Kiddies Cartoon.
8:00 NBC program.
8:15 Motion picture short.
8:30 “Handy Man” with Jack Creamer, sponsored by Gimbels.
8:45 Selected motion pictures.
9:00 Miss Television of Philadelphia Contest.
9:15 NBC Programming.
WFIL-TV Channel 6
2:30-4:30 and 7:30-9:00 Test Pattern.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
2:00 NBC; 4:00 NBC; 8:00 NBC.
WTTG Channel 5, Washington
1:30 Test Pattern; 6:45 Walter Compton, news; 7:00 DuMont; 7:30 Santa Fe Trail.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 Film.
3:25 Playgrounds Show, Pageant of St. Louis.
4:00 Man on the Street, sponsored by Hyde Park beer.(delete listing; didn't air).
4:00 Film.
8:25 Wrestling from Kiel Auditorium, Bill Longson vs. Dave Levin, sponsored by Hyde Park beer.
W6XAO Channel 2, Los Angeles
9:30 a.m. Test slides and music.
10:00 “Queen For a Day.”
10:30-10:45 Test slides and music.
8:00 Test slides and recorded music.
8:25 Boxing, Hollywood Legion Auditorium, Mario Trigo vs. Bill Gibson.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
3:00 “Tune Up Time,” test patterns and recorded music, sponsored by Leo J. Meyberg.
4:00 Films for television dealers, sponsored by Leo. J. Meyberg.
8:00 Pacific Coast League baseball at Wrigley Field, Los Angeles Angels vs. Portland Beavers.
Al Jarvis starts a Monday-Wednesday-Friday disk jockey telecast over KTLA next week for Gough Industries, guided by producer Larry Finley, The platter spinner won’t spin platters, however—he’ll use “Soundies,” the film version of records. (Joel Murcott, Hollywood Reporter, Aug. 29)
Saturday, August 30
1:05 Test Pattern, time, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Giants, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
7:45 Test Pattern, time, music.
8:00 CBS Television News with Tom O’Connor.
8:15 Documentary Film.
9:00 American Legion Celebrity Night, Madison Square Garden.
WNBT Channel 4, New York
9:30 a.m. American Legion Parade (to 3).
3:00 Tennis, Davis Cup Finals.
6:00 American Legion Parade.
WABD Channel 5, New York
1:30 Test Pattern.
1:45 “Sports Names to Remember,” sponsored by Mouquin Wine.
1:50 Baseball from Yankee Stadium, Yankees vs. Washington Senators, play-by-play with Bill Slater.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
1:25 Baseball at Wrigley Field, Cubs vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Joe Wilson and Jack Brickhouse, sponsored by Commonwealth Edison and Ford; Post-Game “Scoreboard” for Kass Clothing.
4:30 Races from Washington Park, called by Guy Savage.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
12:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:00 NBC program.
1:50 Baseball at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Boston Braves, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
4:30 NBC programs.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
3:00 NBC; 6:00 NBC.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis.
3:00 News and Views.
3:15 Film.
3:45 Man on the Street with Frank Eschen.
4:00 Film.
7:50 Baseball from Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis Browns vs. Detroit Tigers Athletics, play-by-play with Ellis Veach and Ray Stockton, sponsored by Purity Bakeries. KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
2:30 Pacific Coast League baseball at Wrigley Field, Los Angeles Angels vs. Portland Beavers.
8:00 Aqua Gala, the Water Festival of the year, from the Los Angeles Swimming Stadium.
Producer: Bill Garden
570 Mins.; Saturday (30), 9 a.m.
WNBT established a new marathon record of some kind in coverage of the American Legion parade in New York last Saturday (30). Station went on the air at 9 a.m., when the 13-hour affair started, took a four-hour break at 2 p.m. to pick up the Davis Cup tennis finals and then returned to the parade at 6 p.m. to remain on the air until the last weary Legionnaire had dragged his tired dogs past the reviewing stand at 10:3t Saturday night.
As with other such events, tele coverage was comparatively a simple affair, requiring only the training of cameras on the centre of activity and keeping them there. Despite that, the NBC crew performed an admirable job. Outfit did as much as possible to break up the boring aspects of watching hundreds of thousands of marching Legionnaires, bands and drum and bugle corps parade past the corner of Fifth avenue and 41st street, by employing a constant variety of shots. Crew also brought in as much human interest as possible, cutting to the reviewing stand and spectators at intervals, getting full screen closeups of the pretty drum majorettes for cheesecake effects ad following the moppet majorettes in their baton-twirling antics.
Three cameras were located at strategic points around the reviewing stand. Announcer Jim Stevenson confined his remarks to an occasional explanatory note to the audience, letting the Legion's loudspeaker system on the scene provide most of the description. Show must have represented a hefty outlay of money by NBC for air time and facilities and the station is to be commended for an all-out job of public service programming. Stal. (Variety, Sept. 3)
With Bob Stanton, announcer
Producer: Garry Simpson
120 Mins.; Saturday (30), 2:15 p.m.
RCA-VICTOR (J. Walter Thompson)
WNBT broke into its all-day coverage of the American Legion parade up New York's Fifth avenue Saturday" (30) afternoon to bring viewers the finals of the Davis Cup tennis matches from Forest Hills, Long Island. Idea was decidely a good one, offering a neat and welcome change of pace from the tiring AL parade.
As with other sports it covers. WNBT production crew has coverage of tennis matches down to an exact science. Outfit employed two image orthicon cameras, both of which were placed above the spectators' stands directly behind the court in play. Location there, instead of at the side of the court, obviated the necessity for constant panning from one player to another, which might have engendered seasickness in some of the viewers. Through constant cuts from long shots to mediums to closeups, it was still possible to present a variety of camera angles to maintain viewing interest.
Bob Stanton handled the play-by-play in his usual excellent fashion. It's almost amazing the way the guy can change his voice modulation with each different sport he announces. In tennis, for example, his voice took on a "more gentlemanly," leisurely pitch, in keeping with the more formal aspects of tennis as compared with baseball or boxing.
RCA-Victor bankrolled the show as part of the "World in Your Home" series. Commercials were confined to an adequate opening and closing filmed announcement. Stal. (Variety, Sept. 3)
Sunday, August 31 WCBS-TV Channel 2, New York
1:05 Test Pattern, time, music.
1:50 Baseball at Ebbets Field: Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Giants, play-by-play with Bob Edge, sponsored by Ford and Post Cereals.
6:15 Test Pattern, time, music.
7:00 Films For Children.
8:00 “The Week in Review,” news highlights.
8:10 Feature film.
WNBT Channel 4
9:25 a.m. American Legion business meeting.
3:00 Tennis, Davis Cup Final at Forest Lawn.
8:00 “Ringside” with Tex and Jinx,” filmed show sponsored by Ipana/Minit-Rub (last show of the series).
8:20 “Party Line” with Bert Parks, sponsored by Ipana toothpaste and Ingram’s Shaving Cream (last show of the series).
8:50 Film shorts.
9:00 Border Show, variety.
9:30 Feature Film: “Hangmen Also Die,” with Brian Donlevy, Walter Brennan, Lionel Stander (UA, 1943).
WABD Channel 5, New York
1:30 Test Pattern.
1:45 “Sports Names to Remember,” sponsored by Mouquin Wine.
1:50 Baseball from Yankee Stadium, Yankees vs. Washington Senators, play-by-play with Bill Slater.
WBKB Channel 5, Chicago
1:30 Baseball Double header at Wrigley Field, Cubs vs. Pittsburgh Pirates, play-by-play with Joe Wilson and Jack Brickhouse, sponsored by Commonwealth Edison and Ford; Post-Game “Scoreboard” for Kass Clothing.
WPTZ Channel 3, Philadelphia
1:00 INS News Tape, sponsored by Good House Stores.
1:20 Baseball Double header at Shibe Park, Phillies vs. Boston Braves, Claude Haring play-by-play, sponsored by ARCO and Philco.
7:45 INS News Tape, sponsored by Wilf Bros. Appliances.
8:00 NBC programming.
WBNW Channel 4, Washington
9:30 a.m. NBC; 3:00 NBC; 8:00 NBC.
KSD-TV Channel 5, St. Louis
8:00 Comment by Dr. Roland G. Usher.
8:15 Film.
8:30 Armenian folk dances.
8:50 Film.
9:00 News and Views.
9:15 Film.
9:25 Hobby Corner with George Eyster, gun collector.
KTLA Channel 5, Hollywood
1:30 Little World Series, Junior Baseball Championship from Gilmore Field.
8:30 Cartoon comedy.
8:40 “Shopping at Home” with Keith Hetherington and Harrise Brin, presented by leading Los Angeles Stores.
8:55 Cartoonews.
9:00 “Hits and Bits,” Variety Show with Dick Lane.
9:30 Yesterday’s Horse Races at Del Mar.
Donald Duck is preparing to make his debut in television Sunday night [31] on Borden’s “Supper Club” over WNBT, NBC’s video outlet. Clarence Nash, whose voice has given distinctive character to the Walt Disney creation, will appear on the show with a 36-inch replica of Donald. Program will be televised from 9-9:30 p.m., EDT. (Radio Daily, Aug. 29)
Elder Lightfoot, Solomon Michaux, known as radio’s “Happy Am I” preacher, on September 5 at 7:30 p. m. will begin a series of weekly television programs over WTTG-Dumont.
The elder, who is pastor of the Church of God near Griffith Stadium, has been featured with his choir for many years on the Columbia and Mutual networks. He is now conducting his annual series of evangelistic services Sunday nights at Griffith Stadium. (Washington Post, Aug. 30)
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